Reference Information


The territory of the Republic of Belarus is ahead of UTC (UTC+03:00). According to government decree time keeping zebra time plus one time without switching to seasonal time. Belarusian time coincide with Moscow time.


The National currency of the Republic of Belarus is Belarusian ruble (BYN).


Today there are three mobile companies in the Republic of Belarus: VELCOM, MTS, LIFE :). Telephone communication with most cities of the world is seamless interconnect and inexpensive. Calling abroad from a hotel or apartment, you need to dial the number "8", wait for the dial tone, then without interruption dial the number "10", the country code, city code and subscriber the number. If there is no automatic connection with any of the countries, you should use the services of a telephone operator by calling 171. Dialing method:  Minsk - subscriber abroad number - "8" + city code + subscriber the number. International - "8" + "10" + country code + city code + subscriber the number. To call from Minsk to abroad: 375 (Belarus code) + 17 (Minsk code) + subscriber the number. Order a long-distance and international calls - 171.

Local information service

Emergency service:
101 - Fire engineering service
102 - Police
103 - Ambulance
104 – Gas emergency service
Telephone directory service, hotline and monitoring service:
114 – Central Bus station Information desk 
105 – Central Railway Station Information desk 
106 - Airline   Information desk 
151 - Train tickets pre order 
153 - Country indicator information desk 
171 - Long-distance and international calls order
185 - Communication data link 
188 - Time information desk 
